Water Drop Photography

Water Drop Floater

Roman Kurywzack and I held another High Speed Water Drop Photography Workshop this past week end.  We started off with a presentation on the big screen on Water Drop Photography Simplified, explaining all the steps one by one. We also covered equipment, lighting and accessories used in order to create successful images. Then the real fun began when we started creating the images.

We had an awesome group of participants and had a barrel of fun the entire afternoon. It was a great feeling hearing the oohs and awes that were going on and having the participants engage in the session as well.

Water drops

Dual Water Drops Colliding Side by Side

Here are some of the comments we received from  the participants which not only are highly appreciated but heartfelt:

“Susan & Roman,

Thank you for a fabulous day! WHAT FUN!

Count me in for anything you do! You guys are the best!

Thank you,


“Hi Sue,

I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed the workshop.  It was amazing.  And, more amazing is the fact that both you and Roman (two fantastic photographers) spent your time to share your talents with us.  I am truly grateful.

Thank you for sharing your amazing talent


I am now in the process of trying to finish up my water drop guide as well as trying out some new techniques and ideas that I have recently come up with.

“Cafe Con Leche” Coffee and Milk Drop Collision in a small expresso cup.

If you would like to view a few more of my images, please do so by visiting the following link:  Water Drop Photography Series Slide Show


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