Gillette Castle – HDR image of the outside of the castle – tonemapped using Nik HDR Efex Pro ©2011 Susan Candelario SDC Photography
It looks like a medieval fortress from outside, but once inside the stone castle reveals the built-in couches, tables and woodcarvings that all point to the creative genius that was William Gillette.
I photographed these images during our last workshop at Gillette Castle. It was a great day not only photographically but the participants where awesome and a true delight to have around.
We only have a couple of slots left for the next workshop, which I am really looking forward to.

Office Details – Gillette Castle HDR Workshop – HDR image tonemapped using Photomatix Pro ©2011 Susan Candelario SDC Photography

Kitchen Sink – Gillette Castle HDR Workshop – ©2011 Susan Candelario SDC Photography

Sofa Details – Gillette Castle HDR Workshop – ©2011 Susan Candelario SDC Photography

Trolley # 948 Pulling into Station – HDR image composite – Used Topaz Labs Photoshop Filter Plugin as well as a few On One Software Plugin Filters for Photoshop CS5 ©2011 Susan Candelario SDC Photography