Working It Out

“Calla Lily Macro” To create the glowing color effect as I like to call it, I changed my lighting setup.
When I first started in photography, I did what I see many beginners do now a days. I would act like a kid in a candy store… trying to shoot as many images of different subjects as I possibly could. I very quickly learned after reviewing my images, that I had the wrong approach.
Whether doing studio work or in the field, with a familiar subject or not, I like spending some time with it. Given the opportunity to work my subject I am able to create different variations.
For me it’s more important to challenge myself and I think in part that has helped me developed my eye. I prefer to have a lower total of images that I am happy with than a larger volume of mediocre ones that will end up being deleted. It all comes down to quality vs quantity.
By either changing my angle or point of view, my arrangement, focal length, depth of field or my lighting to name a few, I know I will end up with the variety I am after.
I have learned when photographing familiar subjects in the case of Calla Lily Flowers to view them with fresh eyes, this way I am able to create a different image than I did in previous times.
I also make every attempt to capture my subject correctly in camera. I know I have the ability to further enhance or modify my images in Photoshop or by the use of the many 3rd party plugins available, but I leave that as an option for post processing, not for correction or recreation.
While the images presented below may not be award winners, I created them more like an exercise on a very stormy day. They where all created in camera and I did come out with even more variations than those posted here. But of course as an option I had to play with a couple of them in Photoshop and Nik Silver Efex Pro.
As usual I appreciate your visit, comments & emails.

“Calla Lily Trio Reflections” I love the vivid colors of the flowers that the lighting rendered and in order to emphasize it, I converted the image to black and white using Nik’s Silver Efex Pro 2 and used control points within the plugin to retain the colors in the center flower.